Someone said it is far better to light the candle than curse the darkness. Yesterday I released a second solo episode for the new season of the Wanderings Podcast.
I am really happy to share insights into my path of becoming an artist, a traveler, a small business owner in a digital landscape, and I hope some lessons of that journey can be useful to you. In these new episodes I share quotes, books, movies, world music songs, creativity tools. as well as reflect on some of the artworks that I made throughout the years.
You can watch or listen to the latest episodes of the Wanderings Podcast here.
I hope we get to spend some time wandering together :)
Shout out to the most beautiful location in Cairo, Yasmina of Cairo B&B, where this photo was taken.
This episode introduces David Allen’s GTD methodology with creatives and artists in mind.
This episode discusses both high level and practical ideas on creating a vision for creative projects and putting plans into action.
In this episode Pedro talks about developing rituals, habits and routines inspired by the practice of making art and the interactions with different world cultures.
In this episode Pedro talks about developing rituals, habits and routines inspired by the practice of making art and the interactions with different world cultures.